Neak Oknha Mengly J. Quach Offers Scholarship of $ 300 to Financial-hardship Student from Kandal province

Congratulations to Sreyneang Vorn, a student from Kandal province who has encountered financial challenges, on being chosen as the recipient of the prestigious Mengly J. Quach scholarship program. The scholarship awarded will fully cover the year 4 tuition fee for the university program in History at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, amounting to a…

Neak Oknha Mengly J. Quach donates 400,000 riels and foodstuffs to Mrs. Saem Chea in Phnom Penh.

in a generous act of philanthropy, Neak Oknha Dr. Mengly J. Quach, has donated significantly to support Mrs. Saem Chea and her family. The Mengly J. Quach foundation has contributed a sum of 400,000 riels, along with essential food items, including 50 kilograms of rice, 1 pack of canned fish, 1 case of instant noodles,…

Mengly J. Quach Foundation donates learning materials Po Ampil Primary School in Takeo province

In a heartwarming act of generosity, The Blue Pearl Team volunteer group comprised of students from Aii and AIS, in partnership with Mengly J. Quach Foundation, extended a helping hand to the students of Po Ampil Primary School. A total of 120 packs of essential learning materials and 150 packs of biscuits were donated to…