• 1 pumping well and water stand constructed at Chronouk commune, Kampong Leng district, Kampong Chhnang province
  • All Histories and photo albums of MJQ Foundation from 2006-2018 were officially completed.
  • The Amendment of MJQ Foundation’s Bylaw and Committee Structure was acknowledged by MoI on March 13, 2020.
  • MJQ Foundation donated $10,000 to Office of the Council of Minister to help the victims of Building collapsed in Kep province.
  • MJQ Foundation donated 100,000,000 riels to Office of the Council of Minister to support the rescue of the vulnerable people affected by the flood on October 16, 2020.
  • MJQ Foundation donated $10,000 to Office of the Council of Minister to buy Covid-19 vaccine on December 10, 2020.