Akka Moha Oubaseka Phthisas Noupathorm Sokhuong Sov donates $ 200 and foodstuffs to Mrs. Sreylot Leang in Kampong Cham province

Neak Oknha Dr. Mengly J. Quach’s mother, Akka Moha Oubaseka Puthisas Noupathorm Sokhuong Sov, on September 13, 2023 kindly contributes a donation of $200 along with food items including 50 kilograms of rice, one pack of canned fish, one case of instant noodles, six bottles of fish sauce, and six bottles of soy sauce to…

Neak Oknha Mengly J. Quach donates $ 250 to Mr. Buy Tit from Kampong Chhnang Province

Mr. Buy Tit was given $250 by the Mengly J. Quach Foundation to help with his day-to-day costs of life, thanks to the generosity of Neak Oknha Dr. Mengly J. Quach. The village of Svay Chrum Chas is home to Mr. Buy Tit and his family. It is part of the commune of Svay Chrum…

Neak Oknha Mengly J. Quach donates a printer to Mission Saint Michael in Sihanoukville

With the sponsorship from Neak Oknha Dr. Mengly J. Quach, the Mengly J. Quach Foundation donated a printer to Mission Saint Michael in Sihanoukville in order to support the work of Catholic charities in the provinces of Sihanoukville and Koh Kong. MJQ Foundation extends a helping hand to the poor and the needy. The donations…

MJQ Foundation donates 280 Hand Cleanser sanitizer Gels to MJQE Staff to protect and prevent the outbreak of Covid-19

On Thursday March 19, 2020, Mengly J. Quach Foundation​ donated 280 Hand Cleanser sanitizer Gels to janitors, security staff, and drivers of Mengly J. Quach Education for the purpose to protect and prevent the outbreak of Covid-19. It is noted that 280 Hand Cleanser sanitizer Gels were the donation from Mrs. Kakrona Vong and her…

Prasetheap Finance Plc. donates $5,000 to Mengly J. Quach Foundation

On November 01, 2019, Mengly J. Quach Foundation received the donation of $ 5.000 from Prasetheap Finance Plc. This donation was held at the office of Mengly J. Quach Foundation for the purpose of contribution to the charity and social work. With the above donation from Prasetheap Finance Plc., MJQ Foundation will extend a helping…