Neak Oknha Mengly J. Quach Offers Scholarship of $1,400 to Financial-hardship Student from Phnom Penh

Neak Oknha Dr. Mengly J. Quach, through Mengly J. Quach Foundation. On February 16, 2024 awarded a scholarship to a very needy student from Phnom Penh.  Mr. Sotheareach Channa selected as a Mengly J. Quach scholarship student to study for a Bachelor of Civil Engineering, for which the scholarship will cover 100% of his tuition fees for a full Three years, totaling $ 1,400.  Mr. Sotheareach Channa starts a four-year bachelor’s degree at the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia in the 2022-2023 academic year and will graduate in 2026.

Mengly J. Quach Foundation is proud to be the sponsor, and proud to be participated in helping the government to educate many young Cambodian graduate from university.

This initiative aims to encourage students and children to be passionate of studying and learning to boost and promote the education system in Cambodia. MJQ Foundation continues to implement programs and share knowledge. Students received these financial supports of scholarship are happy and believe that they will help improve their learning as they continue to strive for a better future.

MJQ Foundation’s donation activities have significantly contributed to the development of the educational sector in Cambodia and helped improve literacy in the villages and communities currently facing inadequacy of needed materials to educate children. MJQ Foundation continues to respond to the needs of Cambodian society, in particular, to contribute to the development of the community and areas in need or those facing various problems. This activity is to show supports to Cambodian children as they are studying to have better understanding for the present and future.