MJQF donates learning and teaching materials to Quach Mengly Tuol Beng primary school

MJQ Foundation through MJQ School Project donated teaching and learning materials to Quach Mengly Tuol Beng primary school in Tuol Beng village, Krola commune, Kampong Siem district, Kampong Cham province on August 30, 2018. This donation includes books, chairs, tables, boards, and other materials.


This initiative aims to encourage students and children to be passionate about studying and learning to boost and promote the educational system in Cambodia. MJQ Foundation continues to implement programs to share knowledge. Teachers and students who received these learning materials were very happy. They believed that it can help them improve teaching and learning as they continue to strive for a better future.


MJQ Foundation’s donation activities have significantly contributed to the development of the educational sector in Cambodia and helped improve literacy in the villages and communities that are currently facing inadequacy of needed materials to educate children. MJQ Foundation continues to respond to the needs of Cambodian society, in particular, to contribute to the development of the community and areas in need or those who are facing various problems. This activity is to show support to Khmer children as they educate themselves to have better understanding at present and in the future.